How to close a sale

Honestly the close is one of the easiest things to write.

I just have a few templates that I follow and they work pretty consistently.

The Lead does most of the work anyway.

Most of the time I’ll just copy-and-paste the close over from something I know is working, and keep the same flow and just change the theme of it.

It really takes no time at all to put it together.

So let’s go over how to write one.

The close generally starts at around 50-60% mark in short sales letters, and around the 75% mark at long ones (not counting offer leads).

That’s when prospects already believe that they need what you’re selling.

You’ve removed all the objections of the reader, introduced the product, talked about how it works and why it’s good, possibly even shared testimonials.

The prospect is ready to buy. But you don’t give them that option yet. Closes are all about power plays and you want people to get excited about buying.

There are a lot of ways to do that, but here’s one way to do a close

(Lead) -> (Body) -> Bridge -> Urgency & Scarcity -> Price justification -> Guarantee -> CTA -> Guarantee -> CTA -> FAQ


So, as you’ve learned today if you want to solve X then product is the best way to do it. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering how you can get your hands on the product and I’ll tell you. 

Then we can ask them a simple question:

What would it mean to you if your problem disappeared? 

Then we can talk about how their life could be improved with the product & how they would feel. You can include testimonials or talk about how other people’s lives were improved.

Urgency & Scarcity

I already talked about this yesterday, but in essence you tell them that people have been grabbing up the products, that they’re hard to make, it takes forever to restock & they need to be quick if they want to actually be able to buy.

(If you’re selling items that go in bulk you basically want to communicate to prospects that “smart buyers buy more.”)

Price justification

Start totaling up every bonus, or cost associated with the product.

If you did this yourself it would cost you X for this and Y for this and Z for that. In total you would spend X + Y + Z to get this problem solved yourself.

Or something like:

The product has a suggested retail price of X (which is still incredibly cheap).

Then we tell them that they can get it for much cheaper.

But that’s not what you’re going to pay today – you only have to pay M.

The do a false close:

But even that isn’t the final price.

Explain why:

Because you’ve read so far and I can see that you’re committed I’m going to give you an extra discount bringing the total down to N.


If you don’t see fast results we’ll give you all your money back.

Call To Action

Sounds good? Then place your order for product below.

After the first CTA we remind them of our guarantee again, and then write another CTA.

The very last thing you have on our website is the FAQ.

And that’s the close.

It’s pretty cut-and-dry, one thing you can do if you want to get a good idea how to write one is to find a successful promo for a similar product and checkout their close.

But the big thing to remember is that: people want what they can’t have, they chase what runs away from them.

That’s why you need to do a little bit of pushing to really close the deal.

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I write daily emails on how to generate profit online. If you’re a business owner or a serious marketer you’re welcome to apply.

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